The Power of Imagination

About Imaginations

Meaning Imagination

In general, the imagination is the power or process of producing mental images and ideas. Every human being capable of and never done this process, and usually occurs before the realization occurs, or simply the process of imagination without continued the process of realization.

This term is technically used in psychology as the process of rebuilding the perception of an object is first given a perception of understanding. If the object is on to produce a new perception, or change it. Since the use of this term that belongs to conflict with ordinary language, a few more psychologists call this process as "describe" or "picture" or as a reproduction as opposed to the imagination "productive" or "constructive".

Preview image is understood as something that is seen by the "mind's eye." One hypothesis for the evolution of the human imagination is that it allows any conscious beings to solve problems (and therefore increase the fitness) individual by the use of siulasi soul.

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