The Power of Imagination

About Imaginations

Sample a Imagination process-poetry

How are you my friend, this time I will submit examples of poetry which is the result of the imagination. in this post, I made a poem entitled " silence ". We hope to provide inspiration to us all about the meaning of the imagination. Thank you

Stay with me ...
in every step.

Stay with me ...
in every minute in my life.

Because ...
if the next day I went, I Want to see you through my mind
and ...
listen through my heart.

Imajinasi dan kecerdasan emosi

Menurutku, imajinasi kadang bisa menguasai pikiran kita, Imajinasi mengalahkan logika, jika seseorang sedang mengalami gangguan emosi seperti: trauma, phobia, nightmare, stress, dsb. Mungkin kita tidak mengira akan hal yg terjadi dalam diri sendiri, menjelajahi alam pikiran dengan imajinasi. Itu dikarenakan sifat imajinasi yang spontanitas muncul tanpa disadari, dan terkadang kembali fokus pada kesadaran secara seketika. Bila seseorang di hadapkan dengan sesuatu yang bisa mempengaruhi ingatan dan yang menyebabkan gejolak emosi, maka seringkali imajinasi datang menguasai pikirannya.

Manusia mempunyai karakter yang berbeda-beda, namun sama-sama mempunyai hati. Menurut EQ, hati merupakan pusat emosi seseorang, hati lah yang merasakan semua gejolak emosi. Dengan belajar memahami datangnya emosi yang dirasakan, maka kita akan lebih mengenal tentang gejolak yang terjadi dan bagaimana langkah-langkah untuk memahaminya. Jika emosi itu sangat berpengaruh negatif bagi diri kita, maka apakah langkah yang harus diambil agar semua kembali normal. Walaupun, imajinasi yang negatif datang menguasai pikiran logika, hati lah yang harus dipahami. EQ "kecerdasan emosi" akan membantu memahami makna yang terjadi.


Imagination and Creativity

In our daily lives, thoughts and activities we are not separated from the results of creative thinking. Creative thinking is thinking based on the responses we receive and then perfected by using a tool called the understanding

In this case, has it ever occurred to us that in the in daily life, you're doing an activity or process of imagination !. Maybe we are not aware that we are doing it. Really .. ?.

At the moment we are determining a way, or when we want to change an object that has been long and to be renewed, then that's where the creative brains at work.

In the process of creative thinking, a new image will be created based on the image or the shape of an old subject. This process requires imagination as a tool to create a new image.

Sample image Imagination process-poetry

How are you my friend, this time I will submit examples of poetry which is the result of the imagination. in this post, I made a poem entitled "Power of Soul". We hope to provide inspiration to us all about the meaning of the imagination. Thank you 

                Power of Soul

My face to the sky My handheld word
As this face down
Immersed in the soul's desire

Every word is spoken
Is simply a figure that soar
Far to the no man's land

Going by foot
and Singing with lyric
Ocean soul enveloped

The wings have been flying sky
Like a painting of the Moon and Stars
Converge at Single Legal

How classic fairy tale that imagined
Various rays wrenching soul
Making a submission and are subject

But the spear has been embedded deeply in
My soul is just one
Not a thousand

Although the need to rely on a deep ravine wall
I will not waver
Because of Conscience will lead me

Imagination is not separated from our daily life

Hey, Imagination is not separated from our daily life. Lots of works that are the result of the process of imagination, such as: works of art, scientific works and visual works. The most dominating is the field of art works such as: painting, sculpture, decoration, design, photos, music, literature, drama, poetry, fairy tales, novels, and others.  

Perhaps in the field of art, imagination plays an important role in the process of creating a masterpiece. Need appreciation and inspiration in their imagination to get the results as expected. The artists are very identical with the unique concept in delivering creative ideas. I think there are many more benefits for the life of our imagination. Let us consider the potential of imagination in the mind of man, and good imagination.

Sample image Imagination process-Tatto Design

Example Draw a design house. This image is the result of a process of imagination.

Sample image Imagination process-sculpture

Example Draw a design house. This image is the result of a process of imagination.